
Showing posts from September, 2018

Supreme Court

Today the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-10 to end the hearings on the Supreme Court. This was followed by a 11-8 vote to debate the nominee. The debate was very heated with 10 senators in support and 10 against with one undecided. The undecided senator decided to support the nominee on condition that there would be an FBI investigation. The full Senate decided to approve debate in an executive session by voice vote. The senate debate will go on throughout next week. The first full senate debate will be Monday. The president has also agreed to a one week limited FBI investigation before a final senate vote on the nominee.

40 Days

With just 40 days until the midterm elections things have got even stranger today. Ms. Ford has accused the Judge under oath of sex crimes before the senate. The Judge said the he was innocent under oath before the Senate. One of the two is likely lying and therefore committing a serous federal crime. Tomorrow the Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on the nomination. A majority vote is needed in order to advance it to the full Senate. The effects this will have on the midterms is yet to be seen. I will not go into any more details about this case or my opinion for the sake of children.

6 Weeks

with 6 weeks to go until the election things are getting out of hand. The Democrats are leading in the house race but the Republicans in the Senate race. The State races are tossups. In Ohio The Democrats are winning in the Federal Senate race with the Republicans winning across the board in all other races. In Cuyahoga County level the Democrats are winning across the board. Tomorrow there will be another hearing on the Supreme Court nominee as his nomination is now in serous danger. The reasons for the hearing are inappropriate to say in public if children can hear so I will not go into details. I will not go into details about tomorrows hearings like the others for that reason I will post the results because they are very important.

7 Weeks

There are now 7 weeks until the election. The polls show the the Democrats are now surging and the Republican are in grave danger of losing the house and might even lose the senate. If the Democrats win in a landslide they might even start to win the state elections that they have historically struggled in. In governor elections too the Democrats are surging. But there is almost two months left and anything can happen. In the last election the Democrats were also surging. Trumps escapades were in the limelight. Hillary seemed like a sure winner and the Democrats were likely to win the Senate. Also it seemed like they could even win state elections and might also be competitive in the house. On election night everybody was shocked. The Republicans not only kept the house and senate but also won the congressional popular vote. They won in landslide in almost all state elections. The biggest shock was the election of Trump as president despite losing the popular vote. The polls were c...

Supreme Court update

The Democrats placed a hold on his nomination on the 13th of September. The hold will expire on the 20th and then the full committee will is scheduled to vote on his nomination on the 20th. If the vote passes then he will be considered by the full Senate. If it fails then his nomination will fail unless there is a discharge petition signed by 50 Senators and it passes by a majority vote of the full Senate will the Vice President as the tiebreaker. The Democrats can motion to call for another hearing provided it gets a majority of the committee. They can also motion to table and kill the nomination provided a discharge petition fails. The Republicans most motion to precede in order for the bill to be formally debated in the committee. A majority vote will also be needed to end debate and another vote to pass the bill. The President can also kill the nomination by withdrawing it anytime by sending a message to the Senate. In the full senate the Democrats can motion to recommit the no...

50 Days

With 50 days to go before the midterm election the results are mixed in the latest polling. In the House the Democrats are clearly in the lead now according to the latest polls. In the Senate the Republicans have a clear lead in the polls. Also in governor elections nationwide along with state legislative elections the Republicans have the lead. This is because every state has two senators while the number of congressman each state has is by population. The Republicans do good in small states but the Democrats do good in large states. That is why the popular vote matters little in the senate race unlike the house and presidential race where the popular vote winner usually wins. If the Democrats want to be make things hard on Trump into 2020 they need to win the house and senate. That is because if the opposition party controls both the house and senate they usually win the next presidential election and the president usually wins the next election. You can say it is best two out o...

Tropical Storm Olivia

A tropical storm has hit Hawaii. This is the 2nd time this has happened this year. What is going on with the weather.

Hurricane Florence

There is a hurricane called Florence head right towards the Carolina's. This is a Category 2 storm that can cause grave damage to both North and South Carolina. Not safe to be by the sea near this storm.

8 Weeks Left

With only 8 weeks left until the election the races nationwide are more competitive then ever. There are a record number of swing state for the Senate and Governship's and a record number of house swing districts. Many state legislative majority's are also in play. Even red states like Texas show a close race for the Senate. The Democrats are ahead in the polls but they were also ahead at the same point two years ago and ended up losing. anything can happen over the next 8 weeks.

60 Days

Only 60 days remain until the 2018 midterm election. The Republicans are surging in the polls in both the federal and state races. The Democrats are the clear favorites to win the house popular vote if the election was held today but things can change in 60 days. The Democrats are also not guaranteed to win the majority even with the popular vote as the 2016 Presidential election and the 2012 congressional election proved. The Republicans are favorites to keep the Senate and the governorship's along with state legislators across the country but things can change over the next 60 days. There are likely to be mixed results in the federal elections.  At the state level the Democrats are favorites to win the Senate wile the governorship along with the other executive offices are tossups. The Republicans are clear favorites to win the majority and most likely the popular vote of the Ohio General Assembly. The Republicans are even more favored to take the State Senate and State...

Supreme Court Confirmation Day 4

Not much happened today on the last public hearing about the Supreme Court nominee. There were four panels of witnesses today; half were from the majority, half from the minority. The witnesses had a opening statement and were then questioned by the senators. The meeting was short for not much changed. There were no closing arguments. The majorities witnesses were about how nice and good the judge is. The minority witnesses were about how bad his policies will be if he is confirmed. Many senators were absent and those that were there did not look like they were happy about having to work on a Friday for they are used to 4 day workweeks. People in the crowed keep on interrupting to the very end. In sort the entire process looked completely meaningless for not much was accomplished by there hearings for few questions were answered.

Supreme Court Confirmation Day 3

On the third day of the hearings the dog and pony show continued. The senators yelled at each other and the crowed interrupted. There was first a 20 minute second round of questions followed by a 8 minute third round of questions. This ends the public hearings with the judge there the rest of the hearings will have others testify. The judge himself has answered very few questions and left few people satisfied. He said that abortion is settled law for example. He did not say he supports or opposes it. He will not answer if the President is above the law or not. The same with gay marriage, gun control or any other controversial issue like racism. He does not even state when he will overturn precedent. I did not even hear him state that he will decide his cases justly. He will only say that he will find the guilty guilty and the innocent innocent no matter there race, gender, age, or if they are rich or poor. He also says he will uphold the constitution. Basically he just promises the b...

Supreme Court Confirmation Day 2

Today the Senate was even more out of order then yesterday. Because of the length of yesterdays obstruction and today's the hearing lasted over 12 hours. The majority party members had 30 minutes of direct examination and the minority party members had 30 minutes of cross-examination. They went in the same order as they did yesterday. Members were interrupted many times by people in the crowed. Many people in the crowed got arrested for Contempt of Congress. Members continued to talk over each other on both sides throughout the hearing. The chair looked biased and the rules looked like there were either not being followed or grossly unfair. Members were trying to intimidate each other physically. Some of the members of the minority ask yes and no questions with no correct answer. They were trying to cause perjury traps. The judge himself refused to answer the majority of the questions during cross-examination. Decorum is ceased to exist in the United States Senate. The reason f...

Supreme Court Confirmation Day 1

The first day of the Supreme Court confirmation hearing in the United States Senate Committee was a 3 ring Circus. The day Started off with with Judge Kavanaugh getting introduced by 3 speakers. Next the judge gave his opening statement. After that the members of the Committee gave there opening statement. Each Member had 10 minutes to talk. First the chairman talked then the ranking member, next the vice chair. After that there was a rotation were first a Democrat will speak and then a Republican. The chairman is the leader of the committee, the vice chair was the leader of the majority party, and the ranking member was the leader of the minority party. As soon as the chairman talked a Democratic member interrupted him about documents. In sort order the session turned into a screaming match. Members of one party started screaming at another party. Both sides started offering frivolous motions and disregarding Senate rules. Even the chair seemed biased and not following the rules o...

9 Weeks

There are only nine weeks left until the midterm elections. Controlling both houses of congress gives the party great leverage over the President. When the President blocks his agenda it will be viewed as the President obstructing. If the opposition party controls only one house then they will been seen as obstructing when stopping the presidents agenda. Often the party that controls both houses of Congress ends up winning the Presidency and earning a trifecta controlling the entire federal government two years latter. In 2014 the Republicans won the House and Senate and that springboard a Republican takeover of the Presidency in 2016. The Democrats are Favorited to win one house but to win both will be a tall order for them. It is also a possibility that the Republicans could Keep both houses. The Democrats are a likely to win the House and the Republicans the Senate. If the Democrats do real well they will likely also win the Senate. If the Republicans do real well they will a...