Supreme Court update

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The Democrats placed a hold on his nomination on the 13th of September. The hold will expire on the 20th and then the full committee will is scheduled to vote on his nomination on the 20th. If the vote passes then he will be considered by the full Senate. If it fails then his nomination will fail unless there is a discharge petition signed by 50 Senators and it passes by a majority vote of the full Senate will the Vice President as the tiebreaker. The Democrats can motion to call for another hearing provided it gets a majority of the committee. They can also motion to table and kill the nomination provided a discharge petition fails. The Republicans most motion to precede in order for the bill to be formally debated in the committee. A majority vote will also be needed to end debate and another vote to pass the bill. The President can also kill the nomination by withdrawing it anytime by sending a message to the Senate.

In the full senate the Democrats can motion to recommit the nomination to committee. They can also motion to Table that is kill the bill. The Republicans will need three votes to pass the nomination. First a motion to precede and debate the bill. Second, a motion to end debate and third a motion to pass the bill. The Vice President will have the tiebreaker in every floor vote and will support the nomination. After it passes the Senate the president must sign it into law and then the nominee would be sworn in. If he veto's the nomination fails and there is no override.

Over the weekend a accusation was made against the nominee. About the trustfulness or the details of the accusation I do not know. The Democrats call for the nomination to be withdrawn wile many Republicans want it to proceed anyway. The Republicans hold all the cards for they have the majority. I think there should be a fair hearing to find out the truth rather than rushing to conclusions of either gilt or innocence like many on both sides are doing. The Committee has 10 members who will vote yea no matter what and 10 who will vote nay no matter what. The one swing vote is a Republican. Them full Senate has 48 sure yea votes along with the vice president. There are 49 sure nay votes and 3 swing votes. That means both sides have 49 people in there camp if the vote would happen today. The 3 moderate Republican Senators will decide the fate of this nomination.


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