9 Weeks

There are only nine weeks left until the midterm elections. Controlling both houses of congress gives the party great leverage over the President. When the President blocks his agenda it will be viewed as the President obstructing. If the opposition party controls only one house then they will been seen as obstructing when stopping the presidents agenda. Often the party that controls both houses of Congress ends up winning the Presidency and earning a trifecta controlling the entire federal government two years latter. In 2014 the Republicans won the House and Senate and that springboard a Republican takeover of the Presidency in 2016. The Democrats are Favorited to win one house but to win both will be a tall order for them. It is also a possibility that the Republicans could Keep both houses. The Democrats are a likely to win the House and the Republicans the Senate. If the Democrats do real well they will likely also win the Senate. If the Republicans do real well they will also win the House. The Democrats need at least one house for a say in government and both houses for a dominate say in government. There is about a 1/3 chance of a divided Congress, a 1/3 chance of a Republican controlled Congress, and a 1/3 chance of Democrat controlled Congress. This shows that the midterm election should be close.
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