Supreme Court Confirmation Day 2

Today the Senate was even more out of order then yesterday. Because of the length of yesterdays obstruction and today's the hearing lasted over 12 hours. The majority party members had 30 minutes of direct examination and the minority party members had 30 minutes of cross-examination. They went in the same order as they did yesterday. Members were interrupted many times by people in the crowed. Many people in the crowed got arrested for Contempt of Congress. Members continued to talk over each other on both sides throughout the hearing. The chair looked biased and the rules looked like there were either not being followed or grossly unfair. Members were trying to intimidate each other physically. Some of the members of the minority ask yes and no questions with no correct answer. They were trying to cause perjury traps. The judge himself refused to answer the majority of the questions during cross-examination. Decorum is ceased to exist in the United States Senate.
The reason for this is the midterm elections are coming up. They have turned this into an impromptu debate about the midterm elections. They have also turned it into a impromptu Democratic Convention and Republican Convention. Congress the highest law making body in America has ceased to follow it's own rules. How can the Rule of Law Continue when the Lawmakers cannot follow there own rules picking a Judge to Judge the Law. So the highest law making body cannot follow it's own laws when picking a Judge for the highest Court in America. We are becoming a lawless banana republic joke. In America the law does not rule anymore but might makes right. This is not either party fault it is the fault of both of them. The vast majority of the Senate is lawless. There might be a few good Senators but many of them are not good. This is a scandal.
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