Supreme Court Confirmation Day 3

On the third day of the hearings the dog and pony show continued. The senators yelled at each other and the crowed interrupted. There was first a 20 minute second round of questions followed by a 8 minute third round of questions. This ends the public hearings with the judge there the rest of the hearings will have others testify. The judge himself has answered very few questions and left few people satisfied. He said that abortion is settled law for example. He did not say he supports or opposes it. He will not answer if the President is above the law or not. The same with gay marriage, gun control or any other controversial issue like racism. He does not even state when he will overturn precedent. I did not even hear him state that he will decide his cases justly. He will only say that he will find the guilty guilty and the innocent innocent no matter there race, gender, age, or if they are rich or poor. He also says he will uphold the constitution. Basically he just promises the bare minimum that is stated in the judges oath of office.
He says he will not answer because no other judge will answer the question. I think this is cowardice. Just because nobody else will answer does not mean that he should not answer the question. Why doesn't he start a new president and lead by example by answering simple yes and no questions? Why doesn't he answer questions that even the precedent of the previous justices confirmation hearings would state that he should answer? If he afraid to offend someone? Does he not realize that he cannot satisfy each senator and get everybody's vote? Does he think that he will get all 100 senators to support him by compromising in this divided country? Is he afraid of lying under oath? Then why not tell the truth? He is a lawyer and a federal judge not a amateur under criminal investigation.
This process has left him suspect by both sides of the spectrum from his no answers. By trying to please everybody he has pleased nobody. The process has made conservatives question if he is pro life. It has made Democrats wounder if he thinks the president is above the law. This are just a few potential high profile cases that he would hear as a Supreme Court Justice. Unfortunately even though the right is not satisfied with him they are stuck with him. It is election season and would hurt there re-election chances should he be voted down. That is because it would show that the President who is a member of there party picked a nominee for Supreme Court that the Senate controlled by his own party did not like. Like him or not they are stuck him him and therefore he will most likely be confirmed and seated as the next Justice of the Supreme Court.
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