Election Results

The results of the 2018 election are mixed. The House went Democrat and the Senate stayed Republican. This was not a decisive victory. If the Republicans took both houses Trump would be a big favorite to win in 2020. If the Democrats won then they will be very likely to win in 2020. The Republicans won a majority of the Governors races also but the Democrats did pick up a few seats. The Democrats picked up majorities in a few state legislatures but the Republicans still control more states. The Democrats won the house and senate popular vote but Republicans won more state congressional delegations. The Republicans picked up seats in the Senate but the state congressional popular vote totals were split. In short both sides have said they won but in truth both sides need improvement if they will win 2020.
By winning one house the Democrats can stop any Republican bill but the Republicans will still control the agenda overall because they control the President and the Senate. No law could be passed without Democrat votes but they will look bad if they vote down bills proposed by the Senate and President just to shutdown the government for fun. They need to avoid overreach or else they will lose in 2020 just like the Republicans lost in 2020 by only controlling one house and shutting down the government.
The obstruction also hurt the Democrats in 2016 by causing government shutdowns when they did not have either house but only the Presidency. By having two of the three elected branches you control the narrative. By having one you get veto power. By having all three you have complete control. The Democrats will have some say in government come 2019 but not the biggest say. Nominations to the executive and judicial branch will not be affected because only a majority of the Senate is needed for them to pass.
Impeachment will require 2/3rd's of the Senate in addition to a Majority of the house for it to pass. The house can indict by majority vote but they will need to Senate to convict and remove. That means Trump is most likely safe until 2020. Treaty's will need a 2/3 vote in the Senate so both sides will have a say. For the next 2 mouths until January 3rd there will be a lame duck congress. That means that the Republicans will still have control until them and can still pass laws they want without accountability. Lets see what they pass with the time they have. More on state and local elections to come.
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