
Showing posts from November, 2018

Governor Results

The 2018 Governors elections were a split result. The Republicans won a majority of the governorship but the Democrats have picked up many seats and won the popular vote this year. The Republicans hold a 27-23 majority in state governors. The Republicans lost 6 seats while the Democrats picked up 7 and the popular vote. Of the seats up this year the Republicans won 27 and the Democrats 23. The Democrats also won the popular vote in 2017 races while the Republicans won the 2015 and 2016 races. The overall popular vote over all 50 state races went to the Democrats. In Ohio Republican Mike Dewine was elected as Governor of Ohio.  Of the Territorial Governors the Democrats control 3 while the Republicans control 2. The Democrats also won that popular vote. The District of Columbia mayor is also Democrat. Overall the Republicans have 29 Governors while the Democrats have 26 plus the Mayor of DC.

Senate Results

With the Mississippi Special Election Runoff on Tuesday the Senate Election results are in in every state. The Republicans have won a majority with 53 Senators and the Vice President as a tiebreaker. The Democrats will be the minority party with 47 Senators. The Republicans won 11 seats voted on this year while the Democrats won 24 seats up this year and the popular vote. The rest of the seats were up in the 2014 and 2016 election and the Republicans won the popular vote and the most seats in both elections. When the 3 elections and 100 seats are counted together the Republicans have won the composite popular vote. The Republicans have picked up 2 seats in this election from the current congress and also 1 seat more than they won in 2016. The Republicans control both senators in 22 states while the Democrats control both senators in 19 states. In 9 states the senators are split between both parties. The Vice President is Republican. This shows that America is divided since few stat...


Since there are still recounts in this election cycle I will not post an election map for the results are not done yet especially in Florida. I will start posting maps when the results are finalized. When the 2020 cycle starts I also plan on posting.

Ohio Election Results

The Results were mixed in the nation as a whole but not so in Ohio. Democratic Senator Brown got re-elected keeping the Ohio Senate Delegation divided but that was the only victory for the Democrats. The Republicans won majority of the congressional races and also the popular vote. The Republicans won the Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasure and Auditors races giving them complete control over the executive branch. The Republicans won the State Supreme court giving them control over the Judaical branch. The Republicans won both the state house and the state Senate keeping a 3/5 super-majority in both houses but losing the 2/3 majority they once had. The Democrats did pick up a few seats in the house and senate but they lost the popular vote for both houses. The Republicans also kept the state Board of Education majority and also a super-majority of county governments. Ohio had a red wave. In Cuyahoga County there was a blue wave. The Democrats kept a majority...

Election Results

The results of the 2018 election are mixed. The House went Democrat and the Senate stayed Republican. This was not a decisive victory. If the Republicans took both houses Trump would be a big favorite to win in 2020. If the Democrats won then they will be very likely to win in 2020. The Republicans won a majority of the Governors races also but the Democrats did pick up a few seats. The Democrats picked up majorities in a few state legislatures but the Republicans still control more states. The Democrats won the house and senate popular vote but Republicans  won more state congressional delegations. The Republicans picked up seats in the Senate but the state congressional popular vote totals were split. In short both sides have said they won but in truth both sides need improvement if they will win 2020. By winning one house the Democrats can stop any Republican bill but the Republicans will still control the agenda overall because they control the President and the Senate. No l...

Election Night

On the night of the election the results will most likely be known. If there is a recount it might take more time to find out the winner. No matter what there will be a winner by January when the new Congress comes in to preserve continuity of government. There are many TV options to watch the Election. A conservative network to watch would be Fox News and a liberal TV channel to watch would be CNN. Those are the two most popular. Other networks are NBC, CBS, and ABC. There are also many radio and Internet sources to see the results as they come in. Also you can print off election maps online and fill them out as the election results come in. Watch tomorrow night and see who wins.

Election Day

On the day of the election the most important thing to do is vote. It matters more than other routine issues. The polls open in Ohio at 6:30 am and close at 7:30 pm. Make plenty of time to vote in order that the long lines will not prevent your vote from counting. Prepare for any issue so that no matter what your vote will be in by 7:30. Make sure that you have an appropriate photo ID for it is needed to vote in Ohio. If you are not sure where to vote check the county board of election website for your county. Get out and vote.

Election Eve

On the eve of this election one thing is to be remembered. Win or lose there will be another in 2020. If your side wins it is only for 2 years and if your side loses it is only 2 years. In 2 years not only will Congress be up again but also the President. That will be more important. That does not mean that this election means nothing. The winner will have either complete control or partial control of government for the next 2 years. Make sure to vote so you have a say in government for the next 2 years.

1 Day

With 1 day to go until the election the polls have stayed the same. There will be no last minute polls. Tomorrow there will first be the exit polls and then the real results. Both the polls and exit polls could get the results wrong just like in 2016. Make sure to vote for the only poll that counts will be tomorrow. Vote so your voice is heard. The election has been a referendum on Trump. The midterm is always a referendum on the sitting President. But that is not the only issue for every issue and election is different and in the end of the day all politics is local. The big issue of the presidency matters but local issues will be the decider in the final election. Make sure to look into who you vote for and vote fully informed in every issue. 

2 days

With 2 days to go until the midterm elections the polls have not changed on either the state or federal level. it still looks like a divided Congress in 2018 with a Democratic House and Republican Senate. The does not mean that the House and Senate are not still in play for the polls were wrong in 2016 about both the Senate and Presidency. It is a possibility that one party might win both chambers outright. With both the House and Senate in Play make sure to vote.

3 Days

3 days to go until the election and early voting has ended. The voting results have been mixed so far. Record numbers of voters have voted early in 2018 for a midterm election. In some places the numbers rival even the 2016 presidential election. The high numbers normally help Democrats but some pollsters think it will help Republicans by a few points. The results from early voting has been inclusive so far and the exit polls showing how voters voted will not show until election night by law. The exit polls showing now just show the demographic makeup of the voters. The election looks close so make sure to vote.

4 Days

With 4 days to go until the midterm election the time is over for early voting. If you have not yet voted then you should vote Tuesday. The election polls will be open from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm in Ohio. If you are not from Ohio check your local poll times for your state. Make sure your voice is heard in this close election and vote on Tuesday.

5 days

5 days to go until the election and it is down to the wire. In the race for the next governor of Ohio it is too close to call. In the race for the Congressional majority the Democrats are currently only up 6 seats out of 435. Anything can happen on Tuesday. There could even be a recount to decide who controls Congress if the deciding race is very close. The Senate also is in play but the Republicans are currently up 4 seats out of 100. Make sure your voice is heard get out and vote. 

6 Days

6 days to go until the election and the time is up if you want to vote early by mail. If you want to vote early at the board of elections make sure to vote tomorrow. If you vote on election day I would vote early in the mourning and not wait to after work for the polls close at 7:30 pm. They open at 6:30 am. Voting before work might be the best bet for I would not recommend trying to beat the traffic only for there to be a long line to get checked in at 7:29 pm. If the clock strikes 7:30 you might just be out of luck.