
I think that extremism is bad on both the left and the right side of the political spectrum. Just like you can fall off a boat in either direction you can have bad ideas in both the left and the right of the political spectrum. Moderation is needed more than anything in politics today. If this continues then america will get more and more divided and a "house divided against itself cannot stand". Some people on the far left like extreme forms of communism and some of the worst tyrants of the past: Stalin, Mau Sa Tung, Poll Pot and other murderous leaders. Some on the far right like anarchy, slavery, racism, fascism, nazism and tyrants like: Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo. It is not me labeling the far right or the far left as such they say so themselves. I do not say that they believe in these ideology they do themselves. Some of them are so bold as to march right down downtown Washington DC on the Federal Triangle by the Capital, White House, and Supreme Court. I will not ling sources nor name names directly firstly to not give them any more attention. If you google it you will find out. I would not recommend going on those sites because you should not trust these types of extremism. I found this out by watching a documentary on Netflix about this. One of the most disturbing incidence was the Charlottesville incident last year. Some of those people think the the monsters of history like Hitler and Stalin were "good men". Anybody who has ever taken heart about the holocaust and the purge would realize that these were evil men and villains. Say no to extremism in the 2018 election from all directions and keep your debates civil.


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