A good website to find is political information is 538 politics by Nate Silver. The website says the Presidents approval rating is currently 52.4% and his disapproval rating is 42.2%. The website has a graph that show that the Democrats are currently ahead of the Republicans 47.1-39.1 in the generic Congressional ballot poll. The website also gives ratings of polls grading polls from an A+ to an F so to see how accurate the poll is. The website also lets you look at polls by how recent they are. The website ranks Congressman, Senators and Representatives in at table by how often they vote both for or against the President on issues in Congress. The website has commentary on contemporary political views at are mostly centrist but might slightly favor the Democratic party. This website provides useful information but remember that polling can still be off when election day comes. No matter who is ahead of the polls get out and vote. 



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